Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dream classroom

In my dream classroom I'm going to make sure that my class room is very inviting when you walk through the door the children will see a  different world that  will keep children engaged and willing to learn. I would like to create many aha moments with my children education. They will see many colorful decoration which is gear toward learning in the classroom.   I remember when I was in school walking into a classroom I was always excited to return back to school to see all the wonderful educational games, books and toys that will enhance my education.

The most important part of my dream classroom I would have more hands on activities which the children would enjoy and to challenge their minds because we have seems time and time again how children learn faster by touching and exploring and understand how things work.Children need more visual activities which has no right or wrong answers this will will help them to build self confident in themselves because we want our children to use the executive part of their brain so they can reach goal in their lives.

 For example, I would make sure I will provided them with  technology in my classroom by having a smartborad so they can go up and touch the board by solving problems and this  can teach them several new activities because  sitting behind a desk all day cause a child to become bored. Children learn by actually touching objects and discussing with their peers this is benifictcal to help children to learn at a fun and faster pace. By learning these activities in the classroom and seeing the smiles on children's faces and listening to all the conversations while they participate with their peers in the classroom makes me feel I have done my job as a teacher. As a teacher we want to helps  build our children social and emotional skills to a higher level of thinking.

We as teachers can help children with our new founded technology world which we live in today by introducing children to Ipads and tablet which will enhance children learning as well .I would like the children in my classroom   reading skills develop  and working on special projects to transform in my classroom as they work in groups. I remember in middle school every one had their own laptop. we would work on projects in the class when we had to type  or just understanding our computers a little more so I would like to have this element in my dream  classroom for my students because I know technology is the most important piece in our children lives of today.

I am so excited about when I have my very own classroom and I will be able to bring new knowledge to challenge our children education and  learning which they will take a little bit  of me with them which will last a lifetime.

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